There are many urban parks in New York City. New York City is the largest city in the United States and one of the largest in the world. New York City is a diverse area. It contains hundreds of different tracts with one different from the other.New York city, the city for immigrantion. There is a different variety of races living in NYC. Large quantities of people are immigrating to America. According to the chart of Nativity and Place of Birth, only 35.9% are foreign born in NYC as a whole, so the public spaces and urban parks are diversity.
However, people always think why some parks are many people there, some are cold and unuseful. The main reasons are culture and ftnance. After 911, the public spaces are security and fear of the other. After attack, most pubic spaces in New York are control by security policy. As New Yorkers are very concern about their personal information were divulged, however, for the safe of the whole city, people could understand the policy as well as.
The New york city is a city for diversity. At public space and urban park, there are also diversity. In this case, we could understand why some parks are cold and less people , some are not, because of some parks are concern about diversity cultures and other not.
Today, the urban parks is a sign for New york. As the biggest city in the world, New Yorker are trying to enhance the function of pubic spaces in the city.